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Project EAGLES Update - 2006

May 2006:

  1. Continued post-live run support of the T24, ERP and RTGS (net settlement) applications at HQ, Garki, Minna and Lagos branches
  2. Established dedicated connection to the Extranet Gateway with all banks and discount houses and commenced eFASS parallel run with all
  3. The last 6 outstanding banks were trained on RTGS and prepared to join the operational run
  4. Conducted second round UAT for TIB (Retail and Trade Services) with banks and select parastatals and further regression test on DFD module of T24
  5. Finalised plans for the integration test of T24 and RTGS
  6. Concluded refresher training for T24 and ERP trainers prior to training users in roll-out branches. Concluded train-the-trainer for EMS Services
  7. Contract awarded for link between NDIC and CBN for eFASS deployment
  8. Concluded UAT and obtained stakeholders sign-off for Business Intelligence modules of CPM
  9. Concluded assessment of the Project EAGLES to determine realised benefits and gaps


  • Inability to pass debit entries, setting of head teller limits and printing of day-end journals by office instead of by-user. Duplication of paid instrument.
  • Inability to sweep balances on regular basis via standing orders.
  • Mandatory printing of advices for tellers.
  • Inability to validate BN status of staff.
  • Non-utilisation of some ERP modules: Purchase Order, Inventory, Training Admin, Learning Management System due to absence of data
  • Revaluation of FX by Reserve Management division of FOD. Completion of the update of HR policies and procedure manual and obtain COG�s approval
  • Non-utilisation of some ERP modules: Purchase Order, Inventory, Training Admin, Learning Management due to absence of data
  • Review and revalidation of the Enterprise Scorecard by the Governor/COG
  • Establishing communication link between CBN and NDIC, OFI�s connection to the eFASS system.
  • Integration of the IDMS solution with MICR to enable the new redesigned processes

June 2006:

  1. User Acceptance Test (UAT) of the RTGS-T24 interface was concluded and we obtained users sign-off on the UAT of DFD module of T24.
  2. Completed the set-up of approval hierarchy for the Purchases and Invoicing (AP) module of oracle ERP application.
  3. Conducted connectivity test to CBN�s Extranet Gateway for the 6 outstanding participants and also concluded training set-up for the RTGS application.
  4. Continued the monitoring of live-run of the RTGS net settlement module
  5. Commenced end-user training for rollout of T24 & Oracle ERP applications to outstanding CBN branches Oracle ERP. Obtain COG�s approval for completion of the update of HR policies and procedure manual, IT policies for EMS implementation
  6. Commenced live-run of the policy and procedure manual module
  7. Concluded UAT for the synchronization of directory services with oracle ERP
  8. Operational /parallel run is ongoing with the 25 banks and 5 discount houses while live run will commence in Q3 2006


  • On T24 application, the systems� inability to pass debit entries and the setting
  • of head teller limits.
  • Inability to print Day-End journals by office instead of by-user
  • On Oracle ERP application, non-utilisation of some ERP modules: Purchase Order, Inventory & Training Admin due to absence of data.
  • CPM Review and revalidation of the Enterprise Scorecard by the Governor/COG
  • eFASS.
  • Establishing communication link between CBN and NDIC and OFID�s connection to the eFASS system.
  • Integration of the IDMS solution with MICR to enable the new redesigned processes
  • Inability to sweep balances on regular basis via standing orders
  • Inability to detect errors in respect of returned unpaid instruments
  • Also the revaluation of FX by Reserve Management division of FOD.

July 2006:

  1. Live run of T24, ERP and RTGS (net settlement) applications roll off in Out Stations in phases (Phase1: Abeokuta, Ibadan and Ilorin on 24th July, 2006; Communication and Culture Change Team in collaboration with Project Team conducted an awareness campaign in these branches to sensitise staff and encourage their buy-in.
  2. A help desk has commenced in Lagos for all banks and discount houses for e FASS.
  3. Conducted train-the �trainer training for DFD module of T24
  4. Conducted regression testing for the Securities (GSS) module of the T24 application
  5. Set up of training environment for RTGS (net settlement), migration of Policy and Procedure Manual module on CPM. Concluded RTGS technical training for the 1st batch of CBN staff. Continued the monitoring of live-run of the RTGS net settlement module continued end-user training for rollout of T24 & Oracle ERP applications to outstanding CBN branches. Concluded eFASS technical training for CBN eFASS technical team
  6. Live run of Instrument Processing module will be in Q2 2006 after connectivity of all banks and discount houses to the CBN


  • On T24 application, the systems� inability to pass debit entries and the setting
  • of head teller limits.
  • Inability to print Day-End journals by office instead of by-user
  • On Oracle ERP application, non-utilisation of some ERP modules: Purchase Order, Inventory & Training Admin due to absence of data.
  • CPM Review and revalidation of the Enterprise Scorecard by the Governor/COG
  • eFASS.
  • Establishing communication link between CBN and NDIC and OFID�s connection to the eFASS system.
  • Integration of the IDMS solution with MICR to enable the new redesigned processes
  • Inability to sweep balances on regular basis via standing orders
  • Inability to detect errors in respect of returned unpaid instruments
  • Also the revaluation of FX by Reserve Management division of FOD.

See Frequently Asked Questions on Project EAGLES.

Facts : 1/1/1900
Operation Feed the Nation (O.F.N.):Operation Feed the Nation was introduced by the federal military government headed by General Olusegun Obasanjo in 1979.It had the specific focus of increasing food production on the premise that availability of cheap food would ensure a higher nutrition level and invariably lead to national growth and development.OFN lasted till the civilian government of Alhaji Shehu Shagari in 1979.
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