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Frequently Asked Questions

[See Glossary of Terms]

Are the processes in the branches going to be designed?
  The re-design of the Branches falls under the PIR Project in Branch Operations department. This is currently on-going as Branch Operations is one of the departments to be re-designed in Release 3

Concerns and fears are being expressed by sections of some staff about the reforms and its workability. What is Project EAGLES doing to douse such fears and misgivings especially amongst the leadership cadre?
  The Governors and Directors are regularly briefed on the progress made on the project. These briefings also provide opportunities for questions and concerns about the project to be addressed.

How are Project EAGLES benefits monitored and evaluated?
  Program Management Office (PMO) has the responsibility to ensure that Project EAGLES initiatives are properly executed. The Program Management Office is responsible for: o defining the deliverables and benefits expected from the various initiatives o directing, managing and supervising Project EAGLES to ensure that the program delivers  expected results  expected quality  at the expected time o tracking and reporting Project EAGLES progress and achievements on an ongoing basis.

How are staff of CBN involved in Project EAGLES?
  Each project team consists of a team of CBN personnel and Consultants. The CBN staff who are on the project are responsible for: • Providing CBN specific content and context i.e providing insight into the peculiarities of the bank based on their indepth knowledge and years of experience of working in their various organisational units • Gathering and analysing relevant data and information • Supplying required information on internal processes to their various teams • Liasing and working with relevant units in the bank (where necessary) to deliver results on assigned tasks • Understanding the inputs, processes and outputs of the various tasks to which they are assigned and building requisite skills with a view to acting as references and subject matter experts in the future • Ensuring that the goals of their projects are achieved and the benefits are sustainable after completion

How can processes be re-designed for relatively new functions that are just being established?
  No matter how new a function is, there will be some processes in place for performing those functions. It is these existing processes that will be reviewed, analysed and re-designed, this will be in addition to the mandate of this new function as crafted by the management of the Bank. For new functions that would result from the redesigned process, also based on the mandate of the new function, processes and activities will be defined

How is Project EAGLES Phase III implementation team ensuring adequate support from the necessary parties?
  It is quite certain that the desired changes from Project EAGLES cannot be achieved without the support of the Change Sponsors. To ensure effective sponsorship across the various business areas, the C&CC team worked with Departmental Directors to define an action plan detailing what they will do to ensure the success of the program. Throughout the implementation and during the assessment afterwards, each sponsor will be evaluated based on their fulfillment of these commitments.

Since emphasis is being placed on openness, why are some information still being considered as classified?
  In as much as communication is to be ensured, there are still some issues that are better treated and disseminated on a need-to-know basis. If it is important to an official of the Bank to know such in the course of his duties, he should feel free to make enquiries to the appropriate quarters or officials.

Since most of the processes will be done through Emailing, what will management do to ensure constant supply of electricity?
  Most of the processes will not be carried out via email. However, e-mails will be used for sending documents that would otherwise have been printed out and in some cases physically hand delivered across locations. A power management project, which would ensure uninterrupted power supply at the Head Office and in Lagos, has been implemented.

What avenues have been deployed/ are to be deployed to keep staff informed and carry them along on Project EAGLES?
  The primary responsibility of keeping staff informed about the Project EAGLES change programme lies with the Communication and Culture Change team. The different resources that have been deployed to keep CBN staff informed about Project EAGLES include: • The Project EAGLES Newsletter • Project EAGLES online portal (LINKS) that is soon to be deployed on the Banknet • The Project EAGLES Executive Road Show • Change Champions in the Departments/ Branches • The Communication and Culture Change project team

What is expected of employees as their contribution to the project?
  Each and every member of staff is expected to fully understand the Bank’s change vision by: • Appreciating what the change means for CBN • Appreciating what the change means for you • Aligning yourself to the new vision

When will necessary tools be provided?
  Work tools (desk top computers, lap top computers etc) are in the process of being procured for Bank staff. However, allocation of these work tools will be based on job requirements, and in accordance to the newly defined Release Sche

If you did not find an answer to your question above, try the Glossary of Terms, or use the form below - ask your question, and we will post it here.

Facts : 1/1/1962
Central Bank of Nigeria, Kano Branch:In 1962,the first Central Bank Branch was established in Kano and opened for business in the same year.This brought to 2, the number of Central Bank offices in Nigeria at that time.
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Glossary of Terms