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CBN Departments

Economic Policy
This directorate is made up of the following Departments:
  1. Financial Markets Department.
  2. Monetary Policy Department
  3. Research Department
  4. Statistics Department
  5. Trade and Exchange Department.


Departments under this directorate are:-

  • Financial Markets Department

    The Department has the following mandates:

    • Implementation of CBN-mandated and CBN financial market operations
    • Promotion of the Nigerian financial markets to ensure effective monetary policy transmission

  • Monetary Policy

    The Department has the following mandate:

    • Development and implementation of monetary policy

  • Research

    The Department has the following mandates:

    • Development and provision of information services, analyses and policy papers on various areas of the economy including the financial, external, fiscal and real sectors.
    • Macroeconomic modeling and forecasting

  • Statistics
  • The Department has the following mandate:

    • To collect, analyse and manage data on all sectors of the economy, in order to provide statistical support to the Bank, the government, international organizations and other stakeholders.

  • Trade & Exchange
  • The Department has the following mandate:

    • Development and articulation of trade and exchange rate policies working with other arms of government

See departments under other directorates

Please Note that the CBN does not have any other departments outside the country or at any other location besides those listed on this website, If you have received any form of correspondence naming a CBN department that is not on this list please see our 419 disclaimer.

Facts : 8/15/1967
Dr Clement Nyong Isong:Dr. Clement Nyong Isong was appointed the second Nigerian Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, from August 15, 1967 to September 22nd, 1975. He also served as the Governor of the old Cross River State.
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