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CBN Departments

Operations Directorate
There are five departments under this directorate viz:
  1. Banking Services Department
  2. Branch Operations Department
  3. Currency Operations Department
  4. Information Technology Department
  5. Reserve Management Department

Departments under this directorate are:-

  1. Banking Services

  2. Branch Operations
    The Department has the following mandates:

    • Management of branch operations nation-wide
    • Customer relationship management

  3. Currency Operations
    The Department has the following mandate:

    • Development of Nigeria's currency policy and implementation of local and foreign currency processes
  4. Information Technology
    The Department has the following mandate:

    • Formulation of policies, management of infrastructure and provision of services to ensure an effective and secure information and communication technology (ICT) environment in the Bank

  5. Reserve Management

  6. The Department has the following mandate:
    • Management of the Nation's foreign reserves and CBN's foreign investments

    See departments under other directorates:

Please Note that the CBN does not have any other departments outside the country or at any other location besides those listed on this website, If you have received any form of correspondence naming a CBN department that is not on this list please see our 419 disclaimer.

Facts : 3/1/1970
ORGANISATION AND GROWTH:In March, 1970, the Board of Directors employed the services of W.H. Rozell (Junior), a consultant, to, among other things, review the existing structure and size of the Bank Departments. In the same year, Rozell proposed a new organisational structure for the CBN.
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