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Real Gross Domestic Product (Billion Naira)

  Year 1993
Activity Sector Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual
1. Crop Production 3,132.84
2. Livestock 461.67
3. Forestry 78.04
4. Fishing 71.11
B. INDUSTRY 10,790.31
1. Mining and Quarrying 6,415.38
a. Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas 6,394.60
b. Coal Mining 6.92
c. Metal Ores 0.91
d. Quarrying and Other Minerals 12.95
2. Manufacturing 3,850.41
a. Oil Refining 44.00
b. Cement 259.49
c. Food, Beverage and Tobacco 2,560.67
d. Textile, Apparel and Footwear 630.46
e. Wood and Wood Products 52.74
f. Pulp, Paper and Paper Products 22.52
g. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products 20.71
h. Non-Metallic Products 56.20
i. Plastic and Rubber Products 27.62
j. Electrical and Electronics 5.56
k. Basic Metal, Iron and Steel 31.54
l. Motor Vehicles and Assembly 27.46
m. Other Manufacturing 111.43
3. Electricity, Gas, Steam & Air conditioner" 7.20
4. Water supply, Sewage, Waste Management 15.51
5. Construction 501.80
C. SERVICES 7,544.10
1. Trade 2,434.51
2. Accommodation and Food Services         36.50
3. Transportation and Storage 205.30
a. RoadTransport 178.54
b. Rail Transport & Pipelines 1.30
c. Water Transport 2.87
d. Air Transport 14.73
e. Transport Services 4.37
f. Post and Courier Services 3.49
4. Information and Communication 253.30
a. Telecommunications and Information Services 21.25
b. Publishing 9.06
c. Motion Pictures, Sound Recording and Music Production 69.29
d. Broadcasting 153.70
5. Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 4.47
6. Financial and Insurance 879.58
a. Financial Institutions 786.65
b. Insurance 92.93
7. Real Estate 1,346.31
8. Professional, Scientific & Technical Services 748.79
9. Administrative and Support Services 5.75
10. Public Administration 1,044.82
11. Education 314.01
12. Human Health & Social Services 140.62
13. Other Services 130.13
GDP at 2010 Constant Basic Prices 22,078.07
Net Taxes on Products 224.17
GDP at 2010 Constant Market Prices 22,302.24
Coverage of Annual Real Gross Domestic Product commenced 1981.
Coverage of Quarterly Real Gross Domestic Product commenced 1st Quarter of 2010.
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Facts : 1/1/1900
Federal Ministry of Finance:The Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF) advises the Federal Government on its fiscal operations and collaborates with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on monetary matters. Before 1991, the responsibility for the supervision and licensing of banks was shared between FMF and CBN until 1991 when CBN became the sole authority.
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