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Nigeria Financial Services Shared IT Infrastructure & IT Standards Programme

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Expected Impacts and Benefits

Implementation of these standards is expected to provide the following benefits:

  • Increased up-time  / availability of Banks leading to increased cost savings
  • Establishment of a reference point for objective assessment of the IT function leading to improved IT performance measurement
  • Improved data integrity and electronic information exchange
  • Increased efficiency and productivity of staff due to interoperability of IT systems
  • Business Continuity / Recovery and reduced risk of prolonged downtimes
  • Improved data security assurance to customers leading to increased customer confidence


Useful links

  1. Overview and Summary IT Standards for the Nigerian Financial Services Industry
  2. Target Maturity Levels
  3. Expected Impacts and Benefits
  4. Re-prioritised Industry IT standards
  5. IT Standards Adoption Roadmap
  6. IT Standards Governance and Interaction Model
  7. CBN IT Standards Council ToR
  8. IT Standards Blueprint for Deposit Money Banks (DMBs)
  9. IT_Standards_Blueprint for Payment Solution Providers (PSPs) and the National Microfinance Banks (NMFBs)

See Frequently Asked Questions on the IT Standards Blueprint

Facts : 7/1/1959
PHYSICAL EXPANSION:The CBN former headquarters in Marina Lagos was opened and began full operations in banking and curency activities only.
See All: Facts | Events