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Currency Gallery

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Currency in Circulation:

Notes: N1000 | N500 | N200N100 C | N100 | N50 | N20 | N10 | N5
Coins: N2 | N 1 | 50 Kobo

Currency Withdrawn:

 Earlier | 1959 | 1965 | 1968 | 1973 | 1977 | 1979 | 1984 | 1991 | 2007| 2022

25 Kobo Coin

Dimension: 22.50mm
Weight: 4.50gm                           
Material: Copper

Date Released
October, 1991

Date Withdrawn
28th February 2007

It has the features of Groundnut seeds and pyramid symbols on one side and the Cote of Arms of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the other side. It is still in circulation.

See frequently asked questions on Currency Management

Facts : 1/1/1900
Federal Ministry of Finance:The Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF) advises the Federal Government on its fiscal operations and collaborates with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on monetary matters. Before 1991, the responsibility for the supervision and licensing of banks was shared between FMF and CBN until 1991 when CBN became the sole authority.
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