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Advance Fees Fraud (419)

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List of CBN 419 Cases

This page contains summaries of court cases against the Bank arising from responses to scam letters emanating from Nigeria. Read along:

  • Alexander Gibb & Others. vs
    Central Bank of Nigeria & Others.

    The Plaintiffs are a group of individuals resident in Canada. They sued in Canada on a contract they alleged was entered into between East West Commodities Limited (a Calgary based Corporation) and the Nigerian Ministry of Housing and Works. The alleged contract contemplated the supply of generating equipment for US$45million. It was also alleged that payments under the contract were not made and that certain payments in the nature of advance fees were made to various Nigerian Government and Central Bank officials. See More
  • Tolliver vs Federal Republic of Nigeria, et al
    This was an advance fee fraud matter in which the FRN, CBN, NNPC and numerous other persons were sued in the United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan. See More
  • Henry T. Southway & Ors vs CBN & Ors
    The Plaintiffs filed an action before the US District Court for the District of Colorado on November 1, 1996 alleging inter alia, violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act of 1970 (RICO), theft, securities fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, transfer of stolen property in violation of Colorado and federal laws and violations of unspecified international law. See More
  • Henry Keller & Anor vs CBN and Ors
    The Plaintiffs, Henry Keller and his company H.K. Enterprises Inc. alleged that sometime in 1994 they entered into an agreement with some con men posing as officials of the CBN and Nigerian Government to provide access to their bank accounts in order to transfer the sum of $25.5 million dollar that was allegedly being held by the CBN as proceeds of an already completed inflated government contract. The funds were supposed to be transferred to Keller upon a spurious contract requesting Keller to supply medical equipment. See More
  • Federal Republic of Nigeria vs
    Chief Emmanuel Nwude Odinigwe,
    Amaka Anejemba & Others
    In the year 2001, newspapers and magazines in Nigeria were agog with publications about an alleged financial scam of US$181.6 million. The scam was said to have involved a group of Nigerians and a Brazilian, Mr. Nelson Sakaguchi, a Director in Banco Noroeste Brazil. See More





Facts : 7/24/1958
First Governor of CBN:Mr. Roy Pentelow Fenton was appointed the first and the only expatriate Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria. He served from July 24, 1958 to July 24, 1963.
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