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Statement of Assets & Liabilities

Monthly Statement of Assets and Liabilities is one of the financial reports published by the Central Bank of Nigerian (C.B.N). It is an abridged balance sheet based on monthly accounts representing unaudited financial results and operations of the CBN at the last day of each month. It is prepared by Finance Department, gazetted and printed by the Federal Government Printers and obtainable form all CBN locations.

The Assets side gives in brief the total External Reserves (including Gold Bars), Government and other Securities, Loans and Advances, Fixed Assets and Other Assets.

Liabilities side on the other hand presents the Capital Subscribed and Paid Up, General Reserve, Currency in Circulation, Deposits (from Governments, Banks & others) and other liabilities.

Statement of Assets & Liabilities as at Nov, 2023
Assets N000 N000 N000
  Nov  Oct  Sep 
Gold   1,319,505,729   1,125,745,220   977,538,652
Convertible Currencies*   26,587,373,902   40,822,299,207   13,261,196,261
IMF Gold Tranche   22,623   22,623   22,623
Special Drawing Rights   4,004,130,787   3,639,507,083   3,399,846,081
Total External Reserve   31,911,033,041   45,587,574,133   17,638,603,617
Fed. Government Securities   23,454,438,302   23,452,078,232   23,456,140,964
Other Securities   10,106,543,393   9,948,619,952   9,908,983,161
Rediscount & Advances   368,884,031   383,611,012   387,422,123
Other Assets   14,389,909,849   12,982,801,297   12,631,808,805
Fixed Assets   810,642,695   812,549,666   823,665,565
Total Assets   81,041,451,311   93,167,234,292   64,846,624,235
Equity & Liabilities      
Capital Subscribed   5,000,000   5,000,000   5,000,000
General Reserves   254,353,613   254,353,613   254,353,613
Other Reserves   754,018,810   754,018,810   754,018,810
Total Capitalization   1,013,372,423   1,013,372,423   1,013,372,423
CBN Instruments   14,763,351,573   14,552,979,279  
Currency In Circulation   3,348,147,818   3,010,780,502   2,761,722,641
Federal & State Govts.   825,914,943   888,997,456   1,877,890,603
Bankers   19,650,760,782   18,444,297,837   16,801,774,601
Other Deposits   27,981,760,519   43,001,147,816   16,371,332,595
Total Deposits   48,458,436,244   62,334,443,109   35,050,997,799
Other Liabilities   13,458,143,253   12,255,658,979   12,427,554,696
Total Equity & Liabilities   81,041,451,311   93,167,234,292   64,846,724,235

* = Foreign Government Securities and current account balances with Foreign Banks
The above figures are in thousands of Naira

See Total Assets for Other Months
See Frequently Asked Questions under this purview

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Facts : 8/15/1967
Dr Clement Nyong Isong:Dr. Clement Nyong Isong was appointed the second Nigerian Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, from August 15, 1967 to September 22nd, 1975. He also served as the Governor of the old Cross River State.
See All: Facts | Events

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