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Money Market Indicators (In Percentage)

Money Market Indicators (In Percentage)
Month March April May
Inter-Bank Call Rate 14.75 15.80 12.31
Minimum Rediscount Rate (MRR)
Monetary Policy Rate (MPR) 18.00 18.00 18.50
Treasury Bill Rate 3.81 5.73 2.98
Savings Deposit Rate 4.58 4.59 5.13
1 Month Deposit Rate 7.12 7.32 7.29
3 Months Deposit Rate 7.63 7.92 7.95
6 Months Deposit Rate 9.35 9.84 9.84
12 Months Deposit Rate 7.84 8.18 8.23
Prime Lending rate 13.97 14.05 14.07
Maximum Lending Rate 28.08 28.59 28.31

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Note: The Bank replaced MRR with MPR on December 11, 2006

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Facts : 1/16/2006
The Cowry:The Cowry has, for centuries, served our people as an important form of currency. In 1860 the following system was in use: 40 Cowries formed a "String"; 50 Strings made a "head" and 10 heads comprised a "bag". In Lagos in 1865 one bag of 20,000 shells was exchanged for one or two English Pounds.
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