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Monthly Average Exchange Rates of the Naira(Naira Per Unit of Foreign Currency) - 2016

Month June July August
IFEM (USD) 231.76 294.57 309.73
BDC (USD) 351.82 364.47 396.15
GB POUNDS 328.53 388.37 406.13
EURO 260.03 325.90 347.33
CFAFr 0.38 0.49 0.53
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Export to Excel Monthly Average Exchange Rates of the Naira
DAS/WDAS = Dutch Auction System/Wholesale Dutch Auction System, IFEM is Inter-bank Foreign Exchange Market, BDC is Bureau de Change

* DAS/WDAS exchange rate from August 2005, include 1 per cent commission

*Exchange rate for February 2015 was as at February 18th when the retail DAS segment of the FOREX market was closed.
Facts : 1/1/1900
London Club of Creditors:These are mainly uninsured and unguaranteed debts extended by commercial banks to nationals of debtor nations. Members of the club are commercial banks mainly in industrialized countries. The first London club meeting was held in 1976 to discuss re-payment and conclude re-structuring agreements.
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