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Retired CBN Board Members

Prof. Samuel O. Olofin  
Retired as   - Served in the CBN from 11/23/2005 To 6/29/2013

Born on the 1st of December, 1945, Prof. Samuel Oladapo Olofin attended University of Ibadan where he earned BSc and MSc degrees in Economics in 1969 and1979 respectively. He, thereafter, proceeded to the Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, where he obtained M.A. and PH.D, Economics in 1973 and 1975 respectively.
Professor Olofin's working career began in 1969 as Assistant Transportation Manager with Shell Oil Co. In 1970, he took up an appointment with his alma mata, the University of Ibadan as a Graduate Assistant with the Department of Economics. In 1973, he was a Preceptor/Graduate Instructor in the Economics Department, Princeton University, USA. In 1975, he returned to Nigeria and became a Lecturer with the Department of Economics, University of Ibadan and rose to the position of Senior Lecturer between 1979 and 1985. He later became a Professor in the Department of Economics of the University of Ibadan. He is also a Director, Centre for Econometric and Allied Research (CEAR), University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
Professor Olofin is a member of the following Professional bodies:

  • Nigerian Economic Society
  • Nigerian Statistical Association
  • African Econometric Society
  • African Economic Research Consortium
  • American Economic Association

    Professor Olofin's hobbies are Tennis, Swimming and Photography. He is married to Dr. Mrs. Ayodele Olofin and are blessed with three children

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Facts : 12/12/2000
The West African Monetary Institute (WAMI):The West African Monetary Institute (WAMI) - http://www.wami-imao.org/ is saddled with the responsibility of facilitating the realization of the single monetary union of the WAMZ. The institute is located in Ghana.
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