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CBN Departments

Corporate Services
The following departments are under this directorate:
  1. Capacity Development Department.
  2. Corporate Communications Department.
  3. Finance Department.
  4. Human Resources Department
  5. Legal Services Department
  6. Medical Services Department.
  7. Procurement and Support Services Department.
  8. Security Services Department.

This directorate provides support services to the main core departments of the Bank, furnishing them with human capital and material supplies as well as Information technology infrastructures to meet the demands of the 21st century work requirements.

Departments under this directorate are:-

  1. Capacity Building

    The Department has the following mandate:

    • To build capacity by providing needed training and skills acquisition

  2. Corporate Communications

    The Department has the following mandate:

    • To ensure effective and timely qualitative internal and external communication, engagement and feedback.

  3. Finance

    The Department has the following mandates:

    • Implementation of the Bank�s accounting policy and sound financial & budgetary controls to ensure integrity of the bank�s financial records and statements
    • Performance of financial analysis of the Bank�s projects, Naira investment portfolios and pensions


  4. Human Resources

    The Department has the following mandate:

    • Development of human capital management policies and administration of the suite of human capital management functions and processes

  5. Legal Services

    The Department has the following mandates:

    • Developing appropriate legal framework for lawful operations and service delivery
    • Provision of advisory services on the Bank�s mandate relating to the law and practice of banking, financial markets, economic cooperation, etc.


  6. Medical Services

    The Department has the following mandate:

    • Provision of medical care at in-house medical facilities and coordination of medical services provided by external parties.


  7. Procurement & Support Services

    The Department has the following mandates:

    • Provision of Bank-wide procurement services
    • Development of policies and management of processes and tools required to deliver a range of support services to the Bank

  8. Security Services

    The Department has the following mandate:

    • Development and implementation of policies, processes and administration of the tools required to promote security and safety of CBN human resources and assets.

    See departments under other directorates:

Please Note that the CBN does not have any other departments outside the country or at any other location besides those listed on this website, If you have received any form of correspondence naming a CBN department that is not on this list please see our 419 disclaimer.

Facts : 1/27/1959
MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT:Mr. Graham William Keep was appointed the first and the only Expatriate Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, from January 27, 1959 to January 26, 1962.
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